Kids' Schooling
Childcare Services:
Most childcare centers offer both regular, full-fee, and subsidized spaces for families that qualify. To find childcare listings in your area, you can visit the official website:
Childcare Listings:
Education System:
Regardless of the province you live in, your children will have access to education. To enroll your children in school, you will typically need their birth certificate and other identification documents, such as their Record of Landing, Permanent Residence Card, or Passport. You may also be asked to provide immunization records and past academic and health records.
Public Schools Enrollment: You can enroll your children in the local public school at no cost. To find out which schools are closest to you, please visit:
School Locator:
Education System Overview: The Council of Ministers of Education provides an overview of the education system in Canada. Visit their website for more information:
Education System Overview:
School Rankings:
It's important to consider the academic standing of schools in your area when deciding which school is best for your children. The following website offers school rankings to help you make informed decisions:
School Rankings:
Gifted Programs:
Private schools often offer gifted programs for students with unique needs. These programs typically offer more intensive curricula and heavier workloads compared to other schools. Gifted programs can provide your child with an advantage in post-secondary education, as many universities and colleges look favorably upon students from gifted programs.
Last updated